Game Instructions



Below are the items  you will receive upon checking in

Cover Page


Your first 3 Clues to get the story going




List of locations to visit



Step 1

Download Zappar App

Step 2

Plan your route carefully. Without careful planning, you might end up with a 10k instead of a 5k. 🙂

Step 3

Use the Zappar app to scan the codes on pg. 2. Complete the quizzes at “Crime scene” and “Eve’s work”. Use the suspect list code to cross off or add suspects at each location.


Step 4

Visit each of the locations listed on page 4. Once you are at the location, you will need to locate the ZAPCODE. Use your app to reveal the message/riddle. Follow instructions on the list.

Step 5

Complete the quiz. Once you have submitted the quiz, there will be a CLUE at the end. be careful not to skip this step. You will not be able to retake the quiz. Scroll down fro DARES suggestion at every location. We DARE you!!

Step 6

Once you receive the CLUE from the quiz, you may or may not need to rescan the “Suspect” Zapcode in your packet to add or cross off suspect. Repeat for each location.

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